Proper Temperature for Cannabis Clones

February 12, 2023
cannabis clones

Growing cannabis clones requires careful attention to various environmental factors, one of the most important of which is temperature. Proper temperature management is crucial for promoting healthy growth and preventing damage to the delicate new growth. Knowing the ideal temperature range for cannabis clones and how to maintain the optimal temperature is vital to the cloning process.

  1. Ideal Temperature Range

The ideal temperature range for cannabis clones is between 68-77°F . This temperature range provides the optimal conditions for root growth and healthy plant development. Temperatures outside of this range can cause stress to the clones and slow down or even prevent root development.

  1. Importance of Temperature Stability

Stability in temperature is just as important as maintaining the ideal temperature range. Sudden fluctuations in temperature can cause stress to the clones and disrupt root development. It is important to monitor the temperature in the cloning area regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure stability.

  1. Heating and Cooling Options

If the temperature in the cloning area is too low, a heating mat or heat lamp can be used to raise the temperature. If the temperature is too high, fans or air conditioning can be used to cool the area. It is important to monitor the temperature regularly and make adjustments as needed to maintain stability.

  1. Humidity Dome

cannabis clones

The humidity dome that is used to maintain high levels of humidity in the cloning area can also help to maintain a stable temperature. The humidity dome will provide a controlled environment that protects the clones from fluctuations in temperature, providing a stable and optimal growing environment.

  1. Monitoring Temperature

A thermometer should be used to monitor the temperature in the cloning area, and adjustments should be made as needed to maintain the ideal temperature range. Regular monitoring of the temperature is crucial to ensure healthy growth and prevent damage to the clones.


As you can see, proper temperature management is an important aspect of successfully growing cannabis clones. Maintaining the ideal temperature range of 68-77°F and stability in temperature can promote healthy root growth and prevent damage to the delicate new growth. By using heating & cooling options and monitoring the temperature regularly, you can provide the optimal growing conditions for your cannabis clones. With the right equipment, attention to detail, and a little patience, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of high-quality buds from your cannabis clones.

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