How to Transplant Cannabis Clones

February 14, 2023
transplanting clones

Transplanting cannabis clones is a critical step in the growth process that requires proper planning and care to ensure successful growth. Transplanting allows you to move the clones from a propagation environment to a larger container with more room for growth. Knowing how to transplant those clones is vital to the healthy growth of the adult plant.

  1. Timing

The timing of the transplant is critical to the success of the clone. Transplanting should be done when the roots have reached the bottom of the propagation container and are starting to grow out of the drainage holes. This typically happens after about 1-2 weeks of growth in the propagation environment.

  1. Preparation

Before transplanting, it is important to prepare the new container and the soil. The new container should be cleaned and disinfected, and the soil should be moistened. The new container should be slightly larger than the propagation container to allow for room for root growth.

  1. transplanting clonesGently Remove the Clone from the Propagation Container

To remove the clone from the propagation container, gently push up from the bottom of the container. If the roots are entangled, carefully loosen them before removing the clone. Handle the clone by the leaves, being careful not to damage the delicate new growth.

  1. Plant the Clone in the New Container

Create a small hole in the soil in the new container and carefully insert the clone, being careful not to damage the roots. Fill in the soil around the clone and gently press down to secure it in place. Water the soil to help settle the clone in its new home.

  1. Monitor the Transplanted Clones

After transplanting, it is important to monitor the clones closely. Keep the soil moist, but not to wet, and maintain the ideal temperature range. If the clones show signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, adjust the environmental conditions as needed.


Transplanting cannabis clones is a critical step in the growth process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps, you can ensure successful transplanting and promote healthy growth for your clones. With proper care and attention, your cannabis clones will grow into healthy plants and produce high-quality buds for harvest.

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